Sunday, December 11, 2011

Progress on CubicVR octree migration

I was assigned issue 26 earlier in the week, which is about migrating a new octree system written by secretrobotron into CubicVR.
I started out by testing that the current octree tests were working, so I could benchmark the current implementation and test and benchmark the new implementation to see that it has been implemented correctly. Unfortunately, almost all the tests were either partly or completely broken. I informed the people in the #paladin channel on Moznet, and I volunteered to get those working as well. This naturally pushed back my schedule, but there really wasn't a way around it.
Thus far I've found one of the bugs, which fixes about half the tests, which was a function call that hadn't been updated to keep with the changes of the octree. The other breaking bug seems to be that a variable is falling out of scope, though I'm not sure why. Once these tests are fully functional again, I'll head to work on the actual migration again.
On another note, the tests for Mouselock weren't added to the patch because they were not working correctly. I had done a test review for one of the tests, but no one noticed that there was a duplicate on the list (of 20 items) and that what I was working on had already been done, so that was a great waste of time. More work needs to be done on the test reviews, but I need to finish my work for CubicVR first. If there is still work to do when I'm done, I'll gladly help finish this out.

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