Sunday, December 11, 2011

CubicVR Octree progess part 2

So the tests are working, the changes had to be made in the Scene object, not sure if the changes I made follow standards, but I simply added the variables to the local object (added this.) and the variables were no longer falling out of scope. This shouldn't cause too much of a problem since these variables are reset every render pass and are hooked into the Octree object, so it shouldn't conflict with anything else. I'll ask for a code review on the change when I make a pull request.
Been analyzing how CubicVR uses its current octree implementation to see what I have to change and where. I was hoping their operations would line up a bit more seamlessly, but its gonna take some modding on both ends (the new octree system as well as many of the CubicVR source files) before I can get them working together correctly. I am hoping to have this finished up by the end of the night, the fact secretrobotron hasn't been on IRC today makes this a little more difficult as he would know the most about what can and cannot be changed in the new octree implementation, but I'll do what I can. If I change something I am not supposed to, hopefully it will be picked up during the code review. Obviously, with the tests now working, I should be able determine if everything is running correctly. I've already benchmarked the old implementation, and am hoping to see some improvements with the new one, if not, I hope to not see a drop in performance, as that would likely indicate I may have messed it up some.

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