Friday, November 11, 2011

Building Firefox in debug

So, I have recently attempted to build firefox in debug mode on windows. Having follow the instructions posted here after having downloaded all files from the git repository. Things were moving smoothly until I attempted to execute the make process, in which case it displayed the following error: *** This source tree appears to have Windows-style line endings. To convert it to Unix-style line endings, run "python mozilla/build/win32/". Stop.

I ran the python script it suggested, and after processing it, I re-ran the make process, but it continued to fail with the same error. I have looked up some in information on this problem, some have indicated that I have to set a option when I pull from the repository... I have yet to test this but I will update this when I have successfully completed the make process and share my findings.

**UPDATE** - So, found out why those errors were coming up, funny because I believe David Humphrey mentioned this in class (or someone did) but I didn't understand the context of what he was talking about. The problem is that git wasn't configured to deal with windows line endings correctly, so by entering the following command:
git config –global core.autocrlf false

and re-cloning the repo, this issue should be fixed.

**UPDATE** - So, took a while but it finally finished building. When I go to run it, for some reason it opens up my normal firefox application instead of the nightly build, but I'll figure that out tomorrow.

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