Thursday, November 24, 2011

Getting 0.3 caught up

Ya know, as a programmer, being separated from your computer, and thus your ability to work, for several days can make you feel awful helpless... but thats neither here nor there.

Still working on 0.3 as of now, though it was due a few days ago. Still trying to fix up the testing platform, though the tester and fix I made for 0.2 landed early last week. I want to get this tester to a point that I think it is actually worth while, capable of testing all the materials and with the ability to fine tweak the testing environment without actually changing code... So far I've changed the interface to better reflect how it will be controlled, added camera controls, and did some more research on the material system in CubicVR. I still have to get the materials all in and working, and I wanted to implement both an automation process and a environment dump into the testing platform, so I still got a day of work on it. This could have been done on time, yet my inability to remember to pack my laptop when I leave severely hampered it.

Even when I get the tester done... I don't feel it will be enough for me to justify my 0.3, so I'll take a glance through the CubicVR bugs, and see if I can nab one that I can fix in a day and bundle that in with the tester as 0.3. I have become pretty familiar with the way CubicVR works that I can't imagine it will be difficult to finish. I guess I am hoping do a bit extra will excuse my tardiness.

As a cool side note, the Doom 3 source code was released. I am pretty excited to get a chance to dig through it, see if I can find any patterns or conventions use that I can learn from and adopt.

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