Saturday, December 19, 2009

OOP344 Assignment 2 Implementation

With exams done at last, I can finally take a minute to write about OOP344 A2. We have decided to build a text editor, which keeps getting more complex each time we talk about it. I am currently writing a word wrapping feature for the text editor, that is taking longer than expected but it should be done soon enough, I am just hoping that I don't hurt the team with this little tangent I decided to follow.
The program is going to need a whole new batch of classes to work correctly, first the controller, which will actually control the program and will act as the programs root class, which will organize all the classes and access the programs menu manager, file manager, and settings classes, while containing all the forms and fields it requires. I am responsible for the controller, so that is my mess to figure out. The menu manager system controls the primary menu and holds a series of other menus and function pointers inside of it, so when a menu item is selected, it either displays another menu, or calls a function that will accomplish some task. This has already been completed by northWind, and he did it in such a way that adding, organizing and displaying menus is very simple, which makes my job of creating the controller a bit easier. The file manager allows the program to open, read, write and close files on the fly, this will allow the controller to access files more easily, this is being handled by Ausley. The settings will be a class of their own and this will allow a function based interface with all of the program settings, and quick access to all the setting variables, I think northWind wants to do this class as well. The rest of the work is still kinda up in the air, but we are planning on making specialized forms, a small button system, a highlighting system (which I plan on doing, if the dead line doesn't come up too quickly), copy, paste, ect. So, this is the plan, for everyone else planning on making a Text Editor program, see you at the finish line >:-D

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