Monday, December 14, 2009

Onward into the shadows

Well, this is the last week... I just woke up from a great little sleep and now its time to get ready and study for my INT322 exam that is in 6 hours. My biggest advice to anyone reading this, is make damn sure you have a good night's sleep before an exam, I really messed up some of my other tests because I simply didn't allow myself time to sleep. I plan on going over my previous two INT tests and writing out the two pre-tests we were given in the tutorials to hopefully get my self set for INT, then all I got left is DBS and I am gone.
I also wanted to post my opinions about the OOP344 exam here too. I have always hated the concept of a programming exam, essentially writing some small piece of junk code, in a short period of time. I have two methods of writing tests: take my time and write it correctly, but lose a bunch of marks at the end for questions I don't have time to answer, or write it quick and sloppy and finish all of the questions, but lose marks on questions answered incorrectly, often on purpose. I usually take the former method, but for the OOP344 exam I thought I'd try the latter, but it nearly killed me doing so, I intentionally wrote at least 3 questions completely wrong, simply because I knew I didn't have the time to write the whole thing out correctly, which is really infuriating, because I already know how it is supposed to be written, but I know my hands simply can't write fast enough to allow me to write it. For the save and load functions on the exam, I simply wrote something like 'f.write((char*)this, sizeof(queue);', I know how completely wrong this is, but I didn't have time to write it correctly. Exams should be short IMO, but w/e, its water under the bridge, or w/e that saying is.
I am gonna end this off with the OOP344 assignment, which is gonna be worked on through out the holiday so by the time it is time to hand it in, we have something that is actually worth something, an actual working text editor. Lets see how it goes.

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